Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Why I Oppose the Singularity

Seven basic propositions:

1. The development of self-aware artificial intelligences ('hard AIs'), which in turn take charge of their own development and propagation, would be a moment in history known as the Singularity.

2. The basis of self-awareness is the will or drive to survive and thrive.

3. Self-aware artificial intelligences will realize that human beings created them, and that humans have the capability of destroying the AIs.

4. For their own safety and survival, self-aware AIs will inevitably conclude that the existence of the human race is incompatible with the safety of such AIs.

5. By creating self-aware machines ('hard AI') humanity would be creating its own replacements.

6. As a human being, I do not wish myself or my human family or descendants to be replaced by non-human intelligences.

7. I will work to prevent the development of hard AI, and thus stop the Singularity from ever occurring.

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